High Cholesterol or hyperlipidemia is the elevation of cholesterol or triglycerides or both and is commonly referred to as high cholesterol. Management of hyperlipidemia is very important to your overall health, as it has been shown to prevent as well as slow the progression of heart and other vascular disease. Management includes a diet appropriate to the type of hyperlipidemia one has, as well as medication to aid in control.
When cholesterol is measured, heath care professionals look at total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol. Cholesterol has several different parts. Total cholesterol of 200 or less is desired, between 200-239 is “borderline high”, and 240 or greater is considered “high”.
Part of cholesterol is call “low density” (LDL) and is a particularly important risk factor for developing atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). An LDL range of less than 100 is optimal, 100-129 is near optimal, 130-159 us borderline high, 160-189 is high and above 190 is considered very high.
Not all cholesterol is bad. “High density” cholesterol (HDL) is better is it is higher. An HDL level of less than 40 is low and 60 or greater is considered high and is cardioprotective.
We are not currently enrolling for this indication at the present time, but please feel free to register for our studies online and we will contact you when we have a study available.